3.4.3 Interrupt
The block diagram in Figure 3.4.3 shows the interrupt circuits. The left-hand side of the diagram shows
the interrupt controller circuit. The right-hand side shows the CPU interrupt request signal circuit and the
halt release circuit.
For each of the 36 interrupt channels there is an interrupt request flag (consisting of a flip-flop), an
interrupt priority setting register and a micro DMA start vector register. The interrupt request flag latches
interrupt requests from the peripherals. The flag is cleared to zero in the following cases:
when reset occurs
when the CPU reads the channel vector after accepted its interrupt
when executing an instruction that clears the interrupt (write DMA start vector to INTCLR
when the CPU receives a micro DMA request (when micro DMA is set)
when the micro DMA burst transfer is terminated
An interrupt priority can be set independently for each interrupt source by writing the priority to the
interrupt priority setting register (e.g. INTE0AD or INTE12). 6 interrupt priorities levels (1 to 6) are
provided. Setting an interrupt source’s priority level to 0 (or 7) disables interrupt requests from that source.
The priority of non-maskable interrupts (NMI pin interrupts and Watch dog Timer interrupts) is fixed at 7.
If interrupt request with the same level are generated at the same time, the default priority (the interrupt
with the lowest priority or, in other words, the interrupt with the lowest vector value) is used to determine
which interrupt request is accepted first.
The 3rd and 7th bits of the interrupt priority setting register indicate the state of the interrupt request flag
and thus whether an interrupt request for a given channel has occurred.
The interrupt controller sends the interrupt request with the highest priority among the simulateous
interrupts and its vector address to the CPU. The CPU compares the priority value <IFF[2:0]> in the
Status Register by the interrupt request signal with the priority value set;if the latter is higher, the interrupt
is accepted. Then the CPU sets a value higher than the priority value by 1(+1) in the CPU SR <IFF[2:0]>.
Interrupt request where the priority value equals or is higher than the set value are accepted
simultaneously during the previous interrupt routine.
When interrupt processing is completed (after execution of the RETI instruction), the CPU restores the
priority value saved in the stack before the interrupt was generated to the CPU SR<IFF[2:0]>.
The interrupt controller also has registers(4 channels) used to store the micro DMA start vector.
Writing the start vector of the interrupt source for the micro DMA processing (see Table 3.4.1), enables
the corresponding interrupt to be processed by micro DMA processing. The values must be set in the
micro DMA parameter register (e.g. DMAS and DMAD) prior to the micro DMA processing.