Start with the left wing so the assembly matches the
photos the fi rst time through.
1. Pull on the ailerons and elevators, making sure
the hinges are secure.
❏ ❏
2. If necessary, use a covering iron with a
covering sock to go over the wing, fl ap and aileron
to remove any wrinkles. The best method to remove
the wrinkles is to glide the iron over the covering until
the wrinkles disappear, then go over the area again,
pushing down on the iron to bond the covering to the
wood. If the wrinkles don’t disappear, the balsa in
that area might be fl exing inward. If this is happening,
don’t press down. Simply let the heat of the iron shrink
the covering. If the wrinkles momentarily disappear,
then immediately reappear, the iron may be too hot,
thus causing air bubbles. Lower the temperature of
the iron or use a sharp #11 blade to puncture several
holes in the covering, then reheat. The suggested iron
temperature is around 360 degrees F.
The P-47 had many attributes that led to its
reputation. One of the most important was its
durability in combat. Oftentimes the P-47 would
bring pilots home with missing cylinders, blown-off
wing tips and large portions of tail surfaces missing.
The P-47’s internal systems were very durable and
well protected.
❏ ❏
1. Install a servo arm on the aileron servo.
Connect the servo to your receiver. Switch on the
transmitter and center the servo arm. Position the
aileron servo on the aileron servo hatch cover as shown
with the servo arm centered in the opening. Set the two
5/16" x 5/8" x 13/16" [7.9 x 15.8 x 20.6mm] hardwood
blocks in the embossed servo block locations, checking
that they are correct. If not, mark the new location.
❏ ❏
2. Use 6-minute epoxy to glue the two blocks
to the bottom of the servo hatch over the embossed
servo block locations. Thoroughly coat the end of the
blocks and allow them to set for a few seconds while
the blocks absorb the epoxy. Then, recoat the blocks.
Use clamps to hold the blocks to the servo hatch tray.
❏ ❏
3. Once the epoxy has cured, remove the clamps.
Place a 1/16" [1.6mm] spacer, such as a piece of
cardstock or a piece of paper folded several times,
under the servo and between each mounting block.
After the servo is installed the spacer will be removed,
providing adequate spacing for vibration isolation.
❏ ❏
4. Drill 1/16" [1.6mm] holes through the blocks
for the servo mounting screws. Mount the servo to
the blocks with the screws that came with the servo.
Remove the servo mounting screws and apply a couple
of drops of thin CA in each hole to harden the threads.
Allow the CA to fully harden. Then, reinstall the servos
and remove the spacer.
❏ ❏
5. Drill 1/16" [1.6mm] holes through the blocks at
the two hole locations on the top of the aileron servo
hatch. Install two #2 x 3/8" [9.5mm] fl at head sheet