1. Hold your engine, inverted, up to the fi rewall.
Determine which side the throttle and choke is on.
Insert the three 4-40 x 48" (1220 mm) metal pushrods
in the three outer pushrod tubes. The rudder pushrod
should be installed on the opposite side as the throttle
and choke.
2. Thread a 4-40 nut, threaded clevis and a silicone
clevis retainer, 12 turns, onto both elevator pushrods
and the rudder pushrod.
3. Mount the control horns to the elevators and
the rudder. Follow the same procedure used for the
ailerons, by drilling 3/32" [2.4mm] holes and using #4 x
1/2" [12.7mm] sheet metal screws. Attach the elevator
clevis in the third hole from base of the control horn.
Install the rudder clevis in the second hole from the
base of the control horn. Don’t forget to harden the
holes with thin CA after fi rst installing, then removing
the screws.
4. Place two elevator, one rudder and one tailwheel
steering servo in the servo tray as shown. Make three
one-arm servo arms and one two-arm servo arm from
the servo arms that came with your servos. Center the
servo arms and the trim on your transmitter.
5. Install solder clevises on the elevator servo arms
in the hole 7/16" [11.1mm] from the center of the servo
arm. Install a solder clevis on the rudder servo arm in
the hole 1/2" [12.7mm] from the center of the servo
arm. Following the same procedure that was done
for the aileron and fl ap pushrods, mark the elevator
and rudder pushrods where they are to be cut for the
solder clevises. One at a time, remove the threaded
metal clevis from the control horn end, remove the
pushrod from the fuselage, cut it to the correct length
and solder a metal solder clevis on the end. Reinstall
the pushrod from the front and connect the solder
clevis to the servo arms. Reinstall the threaded metal
clevis and 4-40 nut.
Don’t forget to use a silicone
clevis retainer on all the clevises.
6. Thread a 4-40 nut and a 4-40 metal clevis, 12
turns, on to each of the 4-40 rigging couplers. Slide
a silicone clevis retainer over each clevis. Install the
clevises on the tailwheel steering servo arm in the
holes 7/16" [11.1mm] from the center of the servo arm.