6. The plywood engine frame can be painted black.
Use 6-minute epoxy to glue the plastic radial engine
to the plywood engine frame. Align the radial engine
with the embossed circle on the plywood frame.
7. Enlarge the hole in the plywood frame to match
the center hole in the dummy radial engine.
8. Place the assembly on a fl at surface. Position
one of the 7/8" x 12" (22 x 300 mm) plastic strips
inside the hole and cut it to length. With the plastic
strip against the fl at surface, glue it to the plywood
frame and the radial engine.
9. Glue the second plastic strip inside the fi rst strip.
Paint the strips black.
10. Drill 1/8" (3.2 mm) holes in the bottom of the
rocker arms and in the crankcase as shown. Glue the
eighteen aluminum tubes in the holes. Note that the
aluminum tubes will need to be shortened if installed
in the dummy engine used with the electric motor.
11. Drill 1/16" [1.6mm] holes in the front of the cylinder
head and the crankcase. Glue the red sparkplug wire
in the holes.
12. The plywood engine frame can be painted black.
Use 6-minute epoxy to glue the plastic radial engine
to the plywood engine frame. Align the radial engine
with the embossed circle on the plywood frame.
13. Test fi t the radial engine assembly in the cowl.
Position it so it is centered and equal distance from
the edge of the cowl. Mark the location on the inside of
the cowl. This will help you reposition the engine once
you have applied epoxy to the engine assembly. Use
masking tape to hold the dummy engine in position
and test fi t the cowl on the fuselage.