In addition to the items listed in the
Decisions You
Must Make”
section, following is the list of hardware
and accessories required to fi nish the Top Flite Giant
P-47 Razorback ARF. Order numbers are provided
in parentheses.
(2) Dubro #813 1/8" Fuel Line Barb (DUBQ0670)
(1) Dubro #554 X-large Tygon Fuel Line
(1) R/C foam rubber (1/4" [6mm] (HCAQ1000) or
1/2" [13mm] (HCAQ1050)
Optional Black paint for the plywood radial
engine frame
Propeller and spare propellers suitable for your
engine or motor.
Painted Pilot (GPMA2807) or Best Pilots at
Spinner Adapter (elec. only) (GPMQ4590)
10 - 32 x 1" Socket Head Cap Screw (Elec. only)
This is the list of Adhesives and Building Supplies that
are required to fi nish the Giant P-47 Razorback ARF.
1/2 oz. [15g] Thin Pro
CA (GPMR6001)
1/2 oz. [15g] Medium Pro CA+ (GPMR6007)
Pro 30-minute epoxy (GPMR6047)
Pro 6-minute epoxy (GPMR6045)
Threadlocker thread locking cement
Mixing sticks (50, GPMR8055)
Mixing cups (GPMR8056)
Epoxy brushes (6, GPMR8060)
Denatured alcohol (for epoxy clean up)
PT-56 canopy glue (PAAR3300)
Milled fi berglass (GPMR6165)
Masking tape
Drill bits: 1/16" [1.6 mm], 5/64" [2 mm],
3/32" [2.4 mm], 7/64" [2.8 mm], 1/8" [3.2 mm],
3/16" [4.8 mm], 13/64" [5 mm], 1/4" [6.4 mm],
5/16" [8 mm]
Small metal fi le
Stick-on segmented lead weights (GPMQ4485)
Silver solder w/fl ux (STAR2000)
Revell #1 Lt Duty Alum Handle Knife w/Blade &
Safety Cap (RMXR6903)
Revell #11 Light Duty Blades (5-pack,
Curved-tip canopy scissors for trimming plastic
parts (HCAR0667)
Hobbico Soldering Iron 60 Watt (HCAR0776)
Covering tools
Top Flite MonoKote
sealing iron (TOPR2100)
Top Flite Hot Sock
iron cover (TOPR2175)
Top Flite MonoKote trim seal iron (TOPR2200)
Top Flite MonoKote heat gun (TOPR2000)
Here is a list of optional tools mentioned in the manual
that will help you build the Giant P-47 Razorback ARF.
2 oz. [57g] spray CA activator (GPMR6035)
CA applicator tips (HCAR3780)
CA debonder (GPMR6039)
Builder’s Triangle Set (HCAR0480)
36" metal ruler
High Precision Diagonal Cutter 5"
Pliers with wire cutter (HCAR0625)
Robart Super Stand II (ROBP1402)
Panel Line Pen (TOPQ2510)
Rotary tool such as Dremel
Rotary tool reinforced cut-off wheel (GPMR8200)
Servo horn drill (HCAR0698)
Defl ection Gauge (GPMR2405)
CG Machine
Precision Magnetic Prop Balancer (TOPQ5700)
Anytime a sheet metal screw is installed in wood,
fi rst install the screw, remove the screw and apply a
couple of drops of thin CA in the hole to harden the
threads. After the CA has cured, reinstall the screw.
are placed
the step
they refer to. Frequently you can study photos in
following steps to get another view of the same parts.
The Giant P-47 Razorback ARF is factory-covered
with Top Flite Flat MonoKote fi lm. Should repairs
ever be required, MonoKote can be patched with
additional MonoKote purchased separately. MonoKote
is packaged in six-foot rolls, but some hobby shops also
sell it by the foot. If only a small piece of MonoKote is
needed for a minor patch, perhaps a fellow modeler
would give you some. MonoKote is applied with a
model airplane covering iron, but in an emergency a
regular iron could be used. A roll of MonoKote includes
full instructions for application. Following are the colors
used on this model and order numbers for six foot rolls.
Flat Olive Drab ( TOPQ0510)
Flat Dove Gray ( TOPQ0511)
The stabilizer and wing incidences and engine
thrust angles have been factory-built into this model.
However, some technically-minded modelers may wish
to check these measurements anyway. To view this
information visit the web site at www.greatplanes.com
and click on “Technical Data.” Due to manufacturing
tolerances which will have little or no effect on the
way your model will fl y, please expect slight deviations
between your model and the published values.
Before starting to build, take an inventory of this kit
to make sure it is complete, and inspect the parts to
make sure they are of acceptable quality. If any parts
are missing or are not of acceptable quality, or if you
need assistance with assembly, contact
. When reporting defective or missing parts,
use the part names exactly as they are written in the
Kit Contents list.
Top Flite Product Support
3002 N Apollo Drive, Suite 1
Champaign, IL 61822
Ph: (217) 398-8970, ext. 5
Fax: (217) 398-7721
E-mail: airsupport@top-fl ite.com