3. Install the engine mounting bolts and fender
washers from the back of the fi rewall. The engine
mounting hardware is not included in the P-47 ARF. It
should be included with the engine. If your engine did
not include fender washers, we recommend purchasing
them. The larger washers will help distribute the load
from the engine. Apply a drop of thread locker to each
bolt before installing them in the engine standoffs. For
a reference, once the engine is installed, the front of
the engine drive washer should be approximately 6-3/4"
(171 mm) from the front of the fi rewall.
4. Install a 2-56 ball link ball on the throttle arm and
on the choke arm and secure them with 2-56 nylon
locknuts. Also remove the throttle arm and position
it as shown. Apply thread locker to the screw before
reinstalling it.
5. Temporarily install the engine inverted on the
aluminum standoffs.
6. Snap a nylon ball socket onto both pivot balls.
Center the choke and throttle arms and mark the
fi rewall where the pushrods will need to pass through.
Also mark the location where the fuel line will need to
pass through the fi rewall.
7. Drill a 3/16" (4.8 mm) hole at the marks on the
fi rewall for the throttle and choke pushrods. It may be
easier to remove the engine before drilling the holes. Cut
the gray 24" (610 mm) outer pushrod tube in half. Use
medium sandpaper to roughen the outer pushrod tube.
Clean the tubes with denatured alcohol and insert the
tubes into the previously drilled holes in the fi rewall so
that the tube is fl ush with the front of the fi rewall. Use
thin CA to glue the tubes to the fi rewall. Also drill a 5/16"
[ 8mm] hole at the location for the fuel line. Once the
holes are drilled, reinstall the engine, applying a drop of
threadlocker to all the mounting bolts as they are installed.
8. Glue the
forward fuel tank
stop to the forward
fuel tank support.
Make sure the
embossed arrow is
on the opposite side
of the fuel tank stop.
9. Glue the forward fuel tank support to the fi rewall,
aligning the embossed arrows. The edge of the tank
support should align with the two slots.
10. Glue the aft fuel tank support to the #2 former.
It should be fl ush with the edge of the lightening hole
and fi t into the slots in the fuselage side