14. Before gluing, use sandpaper to roughen the
gluing area inside the cowl. Clean the area with a
paper towel dampened with denatured alcohol. Mix
approximately 1/2 oz [14.7cc] of 30-minute epoxy. For a
stronger joint, add some milled fi berglass to the epoxy.
Apply epoxy to the edge of the engine assembly and
insert it in the cowl. Use the remaining epoxy to create
a fi llet around the edge of the assembly.
15. Trim the white turbo charger/oil cooler intake
around the base. Then mark and trim the top of the
intake 3/8" [9.5mm] from the base. Trial fi t the intake
in the cowl. It should fi t over the rocker arm covers
of the radial engine, against the inner lip of the cowl.
Once satisfi ed with the fi t, use medium sandpaper
to roughen the end of the intake. Clean the sanding
dust off with denatured alcohol and glue it to the cowl
inside with CA. Use canopy glue to attach the front of
the intake to the back of the cowl lip.
16. Test fi t the cowl over the engine. Install the
recommended propeller on the engine. Adjust the
position of the cowl so that the dummy radial engine
is centered on the drive washer and the propeller
clears the front of the cowl by 1/8" [3.2mm]. The
cowl mounting brackets should be approximately 1/8"
[3.2mm] inside the edge of the cowl.
17. The six cowl mounting brackets can be seen
from the rear of the cowl. Drill a 3/32" [2.4mm] pilot hole
through the cowl and the center of the cowl mounting
brackets. Enlarge the holes in the cowl to 1/8" [3.2mm].
Secure the cowl to the mounting brackets with #4 x
1/2" [12.7mm] sheet metal screws and #4 fl at washers.
Be sure to harden the screw holes with thin CA.
18. Mark the location of the muffl er exhaust exit and
the cooling air exit on the bottom of the cowl. Remove
the cowl from the fuselage before cutting to prevent
the fi berglass dust from entering the carburetor. Use
a high speed rotary tool with a carbide cutting bit to
cut the openings. Start with a small hole and slowly
enlarge the openings while test fi tting the cowl on
the fuselage.
19. Route the vent fuel line from the fuel tank out
the exhaust exit in the bottom of the cowl.
1. Position the turbocharger exhaust fairing as
shown. Mark on the fuselage the outline of the fairing.
Inside the outline use a T-pin to prick small holes in the
covering, or trim and remove the covering from inside
the outline. This will help the glue hold the fairing on.
Glue the turbocharger exhaust fairing on the fuselage
with canopy glue or medium CA.
2. Glue the two innercooler exhaust doors in the
two cutouts in the aft end of the fuselage.