1. Operate the tail gear retract a couple of times,
making any adjustments as needed. The opening for
the tail gear may need to be widened slightly at the
steering arm to prevent the steering arm from rubbing
on the fuselage. Tape the fi berglass tail gear retract
cover over the retract opening. Again, operate the
retracts, checking that the tail gear retract does not
hit the cover.
2. The tail gear retract cover can be permanently
installed using CA glue or with screws. If CA glue is
used it will be diffi cult to remove the cover and access
the retracts if needed. To install the cover with screws,
tape a piece of paper to the fuselage at each corner
of the tail gear opening. Place a mark on the paper at
the center of the stringer. Reposition the retract cover
and tape it in place. Drill 1/16" [1.6mm] holes through
the cover and the stringers at each mark. Remove the
cover and enlarge the holes in the cover only with a
3/32" [2.4mm] drill bit. Attach the cover to the fuselage
with #2 x 3/8" [9.5mm] sheet metal screws and #2
washers. Harden the screw holes with thin CA glue.
One might question the selection of an older
technology, bulkier radial engine vs. a more
modern and streamlined “V” engine for the P-47.
A problem of “V” engines is their liquid cooling
system (including a radiator) which is susceptible
to gun fi re. Before Glycol became available, liquid
cooled engines also featured extremely large
radiators adversely affecting aerodynamics. Early
P-47 design team members were not willing to
“put all their eggs in one basket” and utilized “V”
engines for some of their other projects.
1. Note that there are four long cowl mounting
brackets and two short cowl mounting brackets.
2. Position the two short cowl mounting brackets
in the two bottom slots in the front of the fuselage.
Drill a 1/16" [1.6mm] hole through the forward former
using the hole in the cowl mounting bracket as a guide.
Attach the cowl mounting bracket to the forward former
using 6-minute epoxy, #2 x 3/8" [9.5mm] sheet metal
screws and #2 fl at washers.
3. Install the four long cowl mounting brackets in
the remaining slots following the same procedure.
For installation with an electric motor, proceed
to step 5.
Cut out two openings between the cylinders
and the center of the plastic radial engine. The center
hole needs to be large enough to clear the drive washer
of the gas engine. Proceed to step 10.
For installation with the RimFire 65cc electric motor.
5. The center hole in the radial engine will need to
be enlarged to 3-5/8" ( 92 mm) to fi t over the RimFire
65cc electric motor.