8. Test fi t the belly pan on the wing attaching it with
four ¼"- 20 x 2" ( 51mm) nylon wing bolts.
9. Test fi t the wing on the fuselage and make any
adjustments required to get a good fi t between the
wing and fuselage. This may require some sanding
of the wing dowel holes in the front of the fuselage.
10. Clean the aluminum tubes with denatured
alcohol and glue the gun barrels in the wing with
6-minute epoxy. Note the distance from the leading
edge of the wing to the end of each gun barrel.
The “belly pan” under the wing conceals the air
ducting for the supercharger. One duct carries
air from the intake in the front of the cowl back
to the supercharger (driven by the turbine) and
two smaller ducts carry exhaust gasses from the
engine to the turbine.
1. The large decals come die cut. Where possible,
round the corners so they won’t catch and lift while
cleaning and handling the model.
2. Be certain the model is clean and free from
oily fi ngerprints and dust. Prepare a dishpan or
small bucket with a mixture of liquid dish soap and
warm water—about 1/2 teaspoon [2.5cc] of soap per
gallon of water. Submerse one of the decals in the
solution and peel off the paper backing.
though the decals have a “sticky-back” and are not
the water transfer type, submersing them in soap &
water allows accurate positioning and reduces air
bubbles underneath.
3. Position decal on the model where desired.
Holding the decal down, use a paper towel to wipe
most of the water away.
4. Use a piece of soft balsa or something similar
to squeegee remaining water from under the decal.
Apply the rest of the decals the same way.
Please use the following pictures as a guide for decal