This is where your model should balance for the fi rst
fl ights. Later, you may experiment by shifting the
C.G. 1/4” [6.4mm] forward or 1/4” [6.4mm] back to
change the fl ying characteristics. Moving the C.G.
forward will improve the smoothness and stability,
but the model will then be less aerobatic (which
may be fi ne for less-experienced pilots). Moving
the C.G. aft makes the model more maneuverable
and aerobatic for experienced pilots. In any case,
start at the recommended balance point
do not at any time balance the model outside the
specifi ed range.
6-3/8" [162mm]
2. With the wing attached to the fuselage, all parts
of the model installed (ready to fl y) and an empty fuel
tank, place the model upside-down on a Great Planes
CG Machine, or lift it upside-down at the balance point
you marked.
3. If the tail drops, the model is “tail heavy.” If the
nose drops, the model is “nose heavy.” For a tail heavy
model the receiver battery pack can be moved aft. For
a nose heavy model use Great Planes “stick-on” lead
(GPMQ4485). To fi nd out how much weight is required,
place incrementally increasing amounts of weight on
the bottom of the fuselage over the location where it
would be mounted inside until the model balances.
A good place to add stick-on nose weight is to the
fi rewall. Do not attach weight to the cowl—this will
cause the mounting screws to open up the holes in
the cowl. Once you have determined the amount of
weight required, it can be permanently attached. If
required, tail weight may be added by cutting open
the bottom of the fuse and gluing it permanently inside.
If mounting weight where it may be exposed to fuel or
exhaust, do not rely upon the adhesive on the back
to permanently hold it in place. Over time, fuel and
exhaust residue may soften the adhesive and cause
the weight to fall off. Instead, permanently attach the
weight with glue or screws.
If you found it necessary to add
any weight, recheck the C.G. after the weight has
been installed.
During the last few moments of preparation your
mind may be elsewhere anticipating the excitement
of the fi rst fl ight. Because of this, you may be more
likely to overlook certain checks and procedures
that should be performed before the model is fl own.
To help avoid this, a check list is provided to make
sure these important areas are not overlooked.
Many are covered in the instruction manual, so
where appropriate, refer to the manual for complete
instructions. Be sure to check the items off as they
are completed (that’s why it’s called a
check list!
1. Fuelproof all areas exposed to fuel or exhaust
residue such as the cowl ring, wing saddle area, etc.
2. Check the C.G. according to the measurements
provided in the manual.
3. Be certain the battery and receiver are securely
mounted in the fuse. Simply stuffi ng them into place
with foam rubber is not suffi cient.
4. If using a 72 MHz receiver, extend your receiver
antenna and make sure it has a strain relief inside the
fuselage to keep tension off the solder joint inside
the receiver.
5. Balance your model
as explained in the
6. Use threadlocking compound to secure critical
fasteners such as the set screws that hold the wheel
axles to the struts, screws that hold the carburetor
arm (if applicable), engine bolts, etc.
7. Add a drop of oil to the axles so the wheels will
turn freely.
8. Make sure all hinges are
glued in place.
9. Reinforce holes for wood screws with thin CA
where appropriate (servo mounting screws, cowl
mounting screws, etc.).
10. Confi rm that all controls operate in the correct
direction and the throws are set up according to the
11. Make sure there are silicone retainers on all
the clevises and that all servo arms are secured to
the servos with the screws included with your radio.
12. Secure connections between servo wires and
Y-connectors or servo extensions, and the connection
between your battery pack and the on/off switch with
vinyl tape, heat shrink tubing or special clips suitable
for that purpose.
13. Make sure any servo extension cords you may
have used do not interfere with other systems (servo
arms, pushrods, etc.).
14. Make sure the fuel lines are connected and
are not kinked.
15. Balance your propeller (and spare propellers).
16. Tighten the propeller nut and cone.
17. Place your name, address, AMA number and
telephone number on or inside your model.
18. Cycle your receiver battery pack (if necessary)
and make sure it is fully charged.
19. If you wish to photograph your model, do so
before your fi rst fl ight.
20. Range check your radio when you get to the
fl ying fi eld.