Planning preferences
Planning preferences
Select '
Planning preferences
to choose how routes should be calculated. If your mode of
transport is often different, you may want to select 'Ask me when I plan', otherwise select one of
the other options. 'Walking routes', 'Bicycle routes' and 'Limited speed routes' have been detailed
already, in '
Toll charge preferences
Toll charge preferences
Toll charge preferences
give you a chance to specify what should happen in the event of
your TomTom system considering a toll road in its calculations. Select '
Always avoid toll roads
' to
automatically exclude these from future routes, select '
Never avoid toll roads
' to allow a best
route to be calculated regardless of any toll charges. Otherwise, simply leave this preference at its
default of '
Ask me when it happens
Compass preferences
Compass preferences
If you'd like a compass shown on the navigation view, use '
Compass preferences
choose a compass type.
' acts like a real compass (as if mounted on your dashboard), with the arrow
always pointing north. '
' keeps the compass dial static, with the arrow indicating
your current direction of travel. '
Distance to destination
' simply indicates the relative
direction and distance of your destination.
Change voice
Change voice
You can change the voice used for route instructions at any time by using the preference '
. Use
to scroll through the different voices and languages, choosing '
to hear a sample in each one. Use '
' when you're happy with the voice that's indicated.
: Most languages feature more than one possible voice. To change the volume of the voice
instructions, see '
Switch language
Switch language
You can change the language used to display all on-screen text, instructions and menu options with
Switch language
. Just choose the one you want.
Set units
Set units
You can change your preferred units of measurement at any time with the preference '
Set units
. Three questions are then displayed, one a time, for distances, times and longitude/latitude.
Simply choose the formats you prefer for each unit and select '
' for each one.