Temperature Measurement & Face Recognition Terminal User Manual
Fill out the relevant information and click “Entry” to add this face picture.
Access Control Settings
5.1 Door Lock Settings
Click Config
Access Control
Door Lock to go to the following interface. After the access
control device is connected to the terminal, you can set unlocking mode in this interface.
Unlocking Mode
: three options--face recognition, normal temperature and mask. Please check
as needed.
Face Recognition
: if the capture face picture is successfully matched, the door can be unlocked.
Normal Temperature
: if the temperature of the person measured is normal, the door will be
if there is a mask on the face of the detected person, the door will be unlocked.
Unlocking Delay Time
: Set the door unlocking delay time. The time range is from 0 to 10
seconds. For example, “By Face Recognition” is selected and the delay time is set to “2”
seconds; the door will be opened 2 seconds later after face recognition.
Unlocking Duration
: If the door has been unlocked for a period that exceeds the duration, the
door will be automatically locked. The time range is from 0 to 10 seconds. For example, “By
Face Recognition” is selected and the duration is set to “3” seconds; the unlocking door will be
automatically locked 3 seconds later.
5.2 Wiegand Settings
Click Config
Access Control
Wiegand Config to go to the following interface.