Calibrate custom dyes
Custom dyes overview
The instrument can run assays designed with custom dyes. Custom dyes include:
• Dyes that are not manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
• Dyes or formulations of dyes that are not system dyes for the instrument.
• For custom dye requirements, see “Custom dyes”
Workflow: Custom dye calibration
For each custom dye, determine the optimal dye concentration. Use this concentration to prepare all
subsequent dye calibration plates.
Use a dilution series to determine an optimal custom dye concentration
“Prepare a custom dye dilution plate”
“Run the dilution plate as an experiment”
“Determine the optimal dye concentration”
Calibrate the custom dye using the optimal concentration
Create a custom dye calibration plate
Add a custom dye to the instrument
“Perform a custom dye calibration”
Use a dilution series to determine an optimal custom dye concentration
Custom dye dilution guidelines
Prepare a dilution series for each custom dye.
• Target several dye concentrations within a range of 100–2,000 nM.
• Choose a 2
or 3
fold difference in dilution points.
• Dispense 10–20 µL per well in a 96
well plate.
• Dilute the dye in buffer compatible with your master mix.
(Intercalating dyes only)
Add the appropriate amount of amplified PCR product to generate
Chapter 5
Calibrate and verify instrument performance
Calibrate custom dyes
1 Plus Real-Time PCR System Installation, Use, and Maintenance Guide