Thermo Fisher Scientific
Operation Manual HM550
e efficacy of microbial (and viral) inactivation was determined in
analogy to the standard methods of the DGHM (German Society for
Hygiene and Microbiology) and the European standard EN13697:2002-01
for quantitative non-porous surface testing for evaluation of chemical
disinfectants with adaptations to the test item. e instrument tempera-
ture during the tests was set to -20°C.
By employing a 15 min fogging period (corresponding to 54g Sanosil® )
followed by an additional 35 min contact time, a 99.5 to 99.99%
destruction of vegetative test bacteria was demonstrated. e yeast
Candida albicans was inactivated by 99.98%.
e silver content in the disinfectant has an additional bacteriostic effect.
e Cold D procedure thus offers a safe and convenient way
significantly reduce microbial contamination in the cryostat working
space and, therefore, infection risk.
However, the Cold D system cannot replace the safety precautions,
regular cleaning and disinfection of the cryostat chamber according to
the manufacturer‘s instructions (refer to Appendix A of this user manual:
Cryostat disinfection)
Please observe the safety warnings on page 15 as well as the general safety
instructions at the beginning of this operation manual.
e use of the specified disinfectant (Sanosil®), following the safety inst-
ructions and warnings above, and the results of the disinfection using this
disinfectant are the responsibility of the operator.
e user of this cryostat must be aware of and adhere to any local require-
ments for the safe operation of medical laboratory instrumentation.
Operating instructions
Cold D (Option DC)
Ver. 2.09
Figure 112.
Display: Activating Cold D (Option DC).