Menu Overview
Thermo Scientific
Orion 2295 Phosphate Analyzer
Method Parameters Menu
Allows configuration of the parameters for method and order of the events for analysis and
calibration. Consult factory before modifying any parameter.
Date and Time Menu
Allows configuration of the date and time format and editing of the current date.
Daylight Saving
Allows configuration of the daylight saving for USA, Europe and custom settings. When daylight
saving is enabled, the system will correct the time based on the settings shown below the
Recovery After Power Failure Menu
Allows configuration of the instrument after power failure recovery.
Ethernet Parameters Menu
Allows configuration of Ethernet Parameters.
RS-232 Parameters Menu
Allows selection of the BAUD RATE for the RS-232 port. Default setting of 115200 Baud.
Language Menu
Allows configuration of the instrument’s language. Current release is ENGLISH language.
(Consult factory for other languages).
Measurement Menu
Analyze Once
Allows one manual analysis to be performed. Number of repeats (default = 1) can be edited in
the ANALYSIS MENU. When performing a manual analysis, the user is restricted from
navigating through other menus.
Allows manual calibration to be performed using standard solutions. The slope and intercept
values obtained here may be edited in the CALIBRATION PARAMETERS menu. When
performing a manual calibration, the user is restricted from navigating through other menus.
Allows manual validation of the instrument with a known sample or standard. When performing
validation, the user is restricted from navigating through other menus.