Nanopure™ Analytical 11-1
Thermo Scientific
Section 11
Computer/Printer Set-Up
Due to character set differences, hyperterminal may display the
symbol as ê. Also, the ° symbol may be displayed as ø.
The procedure for the connection of the Nanopure to a computer and
communication through the RS-232 port, using the hyperterminal,
1. Connect the 9 pin serial cable (part no. WHX18) from the Nanopure
RS-232 port to COM2: port or (COM1: port) on back of computer.
2. From the (Idle) display, press the UP or DOWN arrow until display
reads, “Advanced Menu.”
3. Press ENTER.
4. From the “Printer Attached” display, press the Up or DOWN arrow for
5. Press ENTER.
6. Now, during the normal Recirculation mode, date, time, purity and
temperature readings will be sent to the computer once per minute.
7. Run your Microsoft Windows program. Open Hyperterminal (located
in the accessories directory), give your setting a name and choose a
8. In the “Connect Using:” box, select “direct to” COM2: or (COM1: )
as port (depending on your computer), and click OK.
9. Using the selection boxes in the next screen, configure the options as
9600 baud, 8-bit, No parity, 1 stop bit, Flow Control: None.
10. To receive data to a file, select Transfer and capture text. Accepting
default will put the file which you name in the c:/windows directory
called capture.txt and the file will be an ASCII text file.
11. You should see the data on the computer screen.
through RS-232 Port