The heating delivery temperature is defined by a setpoint
which varies according to the external temperature and the
ambient temperature on the basis of a climatic curve defined
by the following parameters:
2131 Main Zone/Zone 1 mild climate external temperature
Main Zone/Zone 1 ambient temperature nominal val-
When an OpenTherm (OT) ambient thermostat is
connected to the thermal unit or to the zone control
accessory, this parameter is not displayed
Main Zone/Zone 1 heating setpoint at the minimum
external temperature.
The range of this parameter is limited to the values
of Minimum (Par. 2023) and Maximum (Par. 2024)
Main Zone/Zone 1 minimum external temperature.
It defines the minimum external temperature to
which the maximum heating setpoint Par. 2119 must
be associated.
Main Zone/Zone 1 heating setpoint at the maximum
external temperature (Par. 2122).
It sets the minimum heating setpoint when the exter-
nal temperature is equal to the value set in parame-
ter 2122 (basic external temperature).
Main Zone/Zone 1 maximum external temperature.
It sets the external temperature at which the boiler
setpoint must be reduced, according to the value
defined in parameter 2121.
2023 Minimum heating setpoint.
2024 Maximum heating setpoint.
Main Zone/Zone 1 summer/winter switching.
It blocks the heating request when the external tem-
perature is greater than this setpoint.
2130 Parallel shift of main Zone/Zone 1 climatic curve.
2134 Compensation factor of external temperature.
Parameter 2125 (installer level)
Between seasons, in certain days, the day external temper-
ature may exceed the limit threshold set in parameter 2125
(summer/winter switching), in this case the heat request in
heating mode is interrupted even if the ambient temperature
has not yet reached the target setpoint. It is possible to in-
crease the value of Par. 2125 preventing the request from be-
ing stopped in heating mode.
T delivery
T outside (°C)
Tset min (°C)
Tset max (°C)
Par. 2024
Par. 2023
Par. 2120
Par. 2122
Par. 2125
Par. 2119
Par. 2121
Parameter 2131 (installer level)
In-between seasons when the external temperature gets clos-
er to the maximum limit set in Par. 2122, the delivery temper-
ature calculated in climatic curve could be different from the
one suitable to meet the request. This parameter performs a
non-linear correction of the climatic curve to offset this differ-
T delivery
T outside (°C)
Tset min (°C)
Tset max (°C)
Par. 2130
Par. 2024
Par. 2023
Par. 2120
Par. 2122
Par. 2125
Par. 2119
Par. 2121
Parameter 2132 (installer level)
Main Zone/Zone 1 ambient temperature nominal value.
This parameter defines the required ambient temperature with
which the regulator calculates the heating delivery setpoint. A
higher or lower required ambient temperature moves the heat-
ing curve upwards or downwards on a 45° axis.
If, in heating mode 1 (Par. 2001 = 1) an OpenTherm (OT) am-
bient thermostat is connected to the thermal unit or to the zone
control accessory, this parameter is not used since the OT am-
bient thermostat directly provides the regulator with the ambi-
ent temperature setpoint.
T delivery
T outside (°C)
Par. 2132 = 15°C
Par. 2132 = 20°C (*)
Par. 2132 = 25°C
-20°C (*)
20°C (*)
Par. 2122
Par. 2120
Par. 2125
Default setting