6.11 Function channel H presence
The potential-free relay contact may be used either for presence depending HVAC control or
the control of lighting. No direct connection of the luminaire! At a higher power rating a relay or
contactor shall be interconnect.
Value range
The channel H presence only responds to the presence and is affected by the selected switch-on
delay time and the switch-off delay time.
The channel H presence switches according to the channel A light. The switch-on delay time and the switch-
off delay time of channel H presence have no influence. No direct connection of the luminaire, max. 60 W!
= Channel A light
6.12 Switch-on delay channel H presence
The presence channel always switches, regardless of whether the function mode is set
to full or semi-automatic. The relay contact only closes on completion of the switch-on
delay when a presence is detected.
Value range
Adjustable values
0, 1 …. 10 min.
No switch-on delay (relay contact closes immediately if presence is detected)
Room monitoring (see page 116 )
6.13 Switch-off delay time channel H presence
The presence channel always switches, regardless of whether the function mode is set to full
or semi-automatic. Set values remain unchanged (no self-learning effect). The relay contact
only opens upon completion of the set switch-off delay time when presence is detected.
Value range
Adjustable values
10 sec .. 120 min