6.5 Brightness level channel A light
Brightness level define the minimum brightness required. Current prevalent brightness is meas
ured below the presence detector. If the prevalent brightness is below the setpoint value, the light
will switch on as long as presence is detected.
Value range
(The current measured brightness level can be adopted by the SendoPro command Teach-in.)
5 - 2000 lx
Deactivation of brightness measurement (Brightness has no influence)
Channel A lighting only switches on according to presence/absence.
Measurement off
6.6 Room correction factor channel A light
The room correction factor is a measurement for various
brightness measurements on the ceiling and the work area.
The brightness measured value on the ceiling is influenced
by the installation point, light reception, position of the sun,
weather conditions, the reflection properties of the room and
The presence detector's brightness actual values is adjusted
to the room properties with the room correction factor and thus, the area under the presence
detector can be
compared to the measured lux meter value.
The standard value is 0.3 and is suitable for most applications.
Changes only make sense in extreme situations.