Performance Test
TESCOM Shield Boxes are precision RF devices built very sturdy. Their electrical performance
can, however, deteriorate with mechanical damages. Worn out shielding gaskets, as well as metal
corrosion or oxidation at the lid contact, can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the Shield Box.
This section describes the test and calibration procedure for the TC-5942B
Calibration Period
Shielding Effectiveness : <6 months
Required Equipment
Spectrum Analyzer: HP8590A or equivalent
Signal Generator: HP8648C or equivalent
Dipole Antenna: TESCOM 900MHz, 1.8GHz, 2GHz
Rod Antenna: TESCOM 900MHz, 1.8GHz, 2GHz
Test Procedure
Shielding Effectiveness Measurement: Specification: 80dB
Figure 5-3
TC-5942B Shielding Measurement Test Set Up
You must performance test and verify shield box specifications every time maintenance is
performed on a test cell such as replacing the gasket during routine maintenance. Also
performance test the shield box if you suspect mechanical damage.
HP 8648C
HP 8590A
RF Input
Dipole Ant.
5-2 Performance Test