Maintenance of TC-5942B
TC-5942B is designed and built for long life and easy maintenance.
Optimal RF shielding is obtained using a wire mesh gasket between the case and lid. It must be
checked periodically for damage or excessive wear that would compromise the seal. Pressure on
the gasket by the lid results in a proper RF seal.
A black oxide deposit can build up in the cavity holding the wire mesh gasket. This oxide reduces
conduction and degrades the performanc e of the RF seal. Periodic cleaning is required to remove
any oxide buildup.
Check List for Maintenance
1. Check for loose screws and tighten with proper tools, if necessary.
Figure 5-1
TC-5942B RF gasket
2. Check for a loose connection. If a loose connector is found, tighten the connector with proper
3. Check for a damaged cable, especially near the connector-cable neck. Replace any damaged
cables found.
4. Check probe pins. Replace probe pin if any damage is observed.
5. Visually inspect the RF seal (wire mesh gasket) between the bottom shield box case and lid
for excessive wear.
A worn gasket will not have as much height protruding from the cavity as a new or good
A worn gasket may exhibit a frayed mesh.
Replace the gasket if excessive wear is observed.
Preventive maintenance requires you check the RF gasket regularly for excessive
wear. Also check the gasket cavity for any black oxide build-up.
5-1 Maintenance of TC-5942B
Check for loose screws