E. On “Connect To ” screen, click “
” in “Connect Using:” block, select “Direct to COM1” and
then click “OK”.
F. On “COM1 Property” screen, select as following. And then click “OK”.
Bits per Second
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control
9600 bps
8 bit
1 bit
G. Click “FILE” on menu bar and select “Property”. You should see the “TC-5942B Properties”
screen. Select “Setting” tab. Click “ASCII Setup” button and check “Echo typed characters
locally” and click “OK”. Click “OK” again.
2 TC-5942B Remote Control.
A. Connect 9 pin D type RS-232 cable between PC COM 1 port and TC-5942B.
B. Turn TC-5942B power on.
C. Type in a RS-232 command (Ex : “OPEN”) on “TC-5942B Hyper Terminal” screen and press
Enter on PC keyboard. TC-5942B returns OK or Error Data signal.
Programming in Windows 95/98
1 Programming Procedure
A. Port select(COM1-COM4)
B. Set-up Baud Rate(9600 bps), Parity Bit(None), Data Bit(8 bit), Stop Bit(1 bit)
C. Open selected COM Port.
D. Send RS-232C Command string to the COM Port.
E. Wait until the response data is received.
F. When confirmed, send the next command
Another option is to program sufficient wait time between commands
2 Command and Response Message
TC-5942B returns the response message (Response Data + $0A + $0D) after some delay.
In case of error, TC-5942B returns the error message (Error Data + $0A + $0D).
3-3 PC Control Using Communication Program