English 1064354 rev. 00
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This operating manual belongs to the A60 sweeping vehicle.
The purpose of the manual is a safe use and maintenance of the sweeper vehicle and the
manual must be available for the operators at all times.
Purpose of the sweeper
The A60 sweeper vehicle is used for cleaning paved surfaces.
In this manual "the operator" refers to: anyone who comes into contact with the A60 sweeper
or any of its components under operational circumstances. The organization itself should
ensure that every operator is sufficiently qualified to work with this type of vehicle and is
capable of taking the stipulations and safety aspects into account. A clear distinction is made
between two groups of operators.
“The driver” is the person who actually operates the vehicle in preparation of or
during the production process (sweeping process). The driver must be older than 18
years of age and be aware of his responsibilities.
”The technician” is the person who repairs or services the vehicle. The technician
must be qualified and trained in technical actions. It is mandatory that the technician
has a thorough technical understanding and is able to read technical drawings.
The driver and the technician must be instructed properly before operating or carrying out
maintenance on the vehicle. The initial instructions are given by specialists from Tennant
N.V. An exception is made if the organization in question already operates several vehicles
of the same type, or has sufficient in-house expertise.
Tennant N.V. cannot be held responsible for work carried out by an inadequately instructed
or unqualified operator.
Emission data
The hydraulic system of the A60 sweeper vehicle contains hydraulic oil and is powered by a
diesel engine, which complies with the Euro-5 legislation The battery of the A60 sweeper
vehicle contains battery acid.