Digital and analog telephone sets and SLT
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 if you want to activate (or deacti-
vate) auto-copy for additional message types.
Copies of all messages forwarded to another mailbox
by this feature remain in the source mailbox. In addi-
tion, messages copied to the automatic-copy mailbox
will NOT be on-forwarded to other mailboxes in the
event that they are unheard by your colleague as well.
In addition to mailbox groups, which are programmed by
the system administrator, you can also define your own
personal distribution group for sending out common mes-
sages. A personal group can consist of up to eight member
mailboxes. Subject to this size limitation, you can add and
delete mailboxes at will. Only one personal distribution
group can be defined per mailbox.
To add mailboxes to your personal distribution group
1. Dial [4] in the MAILBOX Menu; you receive the MAIL-
2. Dial [6] -- Private distribution list;
you are transferred to the DISTRIBUTION LIST Menu.
3. Dial [1] and then enter the mailbox number of the first
the mailbox is added to your personal group, and you
are returned to the DISTRIBUTION LIST Menu.
4. Repeat step 3 for as many mailboxes as you wish to
add to your group.
If you attempt to add a member to the group when it is
full, you hear the message
Your distribution list is full
To insert a new member
Dial [1]
To move to the next member
Dial [2]
To delete the current member
Dial [3]