Digital and analog telephone sets and SLT
To dial by name
1. Dial the IMAGEN telephone number; you hear the fol-
lowing options:
2. Dial [3]; you hear a recorded announcement:
dial the first “X” letters of the subscriber's name.
“X” in the announcement is the programmed maximum
number of letters -- up to six.
• For the letter Q
dial [7].
• For the letter Z
dial [9].
• To complete the entry dial [#].
• For the operator
dial [0].
3. Dial the first letters of the person’s name and dial [#];
the system’s reaction depends on whether or not the
letters you dial match a name in the dial by name direc-
• If the letters you dial match a name -- and only one
name -- from the directory, the system dials the cor-
responding extension.
• If the letters do not match any name in the directory,
you hear a recorded announcement:
The name you
have dialed is not listed in our directory
To call an extension
Dial [1] and the extension no.
To leave a message
Dial [2] and the mailbox number
To dial by name
Dial [3]
To conduct an interview
Dial [4]
To use single digit dialing
Dial [5], [6], [7] or [8]
To ask for extension assistance
Dial [9]
To ask for operator assistance
Dial [0]
To disconnect
Dial [