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MM-200_im REV M
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18. Assign a station to operate with "Gas".
The command is "GNx<cr>", where "x" is the station to be switched to have it's response
calibrated for gas. This command is different from assigning "Gas" from the front panel in
that it does not matter whether or not the station is being displayed in the right hand
display. (In order for a station to be selected for "Gas" operation by way of the front panel
push button, the station must be displayed in the right hand display). The response to this
command is an "A" followed by a "cr>".
19. Remove a station from "Gas" operation.
This command is "GFx<cr>". Once again the "x" is the station number of the station being
removed from operation with "Gas". The operation is the reverse of "GNx<cr>" above.
The response to this command is an "A" followed by a "<cr>".
20. Change the "Units" in which the Modular unit is displaying readings.
There are three separate commands for this function:
"UM<cr>" causes both displays to display in millibars.
"UP<cr>" causes both displays to display in Pascals.
"UT<cr> causes stations to be displayed in Televac
traditional units. For example a cold cathode station would be displayed in Torr, a
thermocouple unit would be displayed in either Torr or microns, depending upon the
magnitude of the pressure.
21. Fetch the ON setting of set-point "x".
This command is "SPxN<cr>", where "x" is the PCR number for which it is pressure
setting at which the PCR will operate (energize). The response to this command is a four
digit number including lead zeros followed by a "<cr>".
22. Fetch the OFF setting of set-point "x".
This command is "SPxF<cr>", where "x" is the PCR number for which it is desired to find
out the pressure setting at which the PCR will drop-out (de-energize). The response to this
command is a four-digit number followed by a "<cr>".
23. Adjust the ON setting of set-point "x".
This command is "SSxNyyyy<cr>", where "x" is the PCR number for which it is desired to
set the operate (energize) point, and "yyyy" is the setting. Lead zeros, if any, must be sent.
The setting will be in microns for a thermocouple type gage, and will be in steps of 10E-6
for cold cathode gages. The response to this command is an "A" followed by a "<cr>".