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MM-200_im REV M
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This command will respond with an "A<cr>", provided that "n" is in the range
of "1" to "8", otherwise it will respond with a "?<cr>". This command can be
used whether in the "zero" mode or not. If not in the zero mode, the offset will
be stored for use in the zero mode. That is, the reading will not be affected if
this command is issued while the gauge is not in the zero mode, however, the
appropriate offset will be stored.
2. Enable zeroing of sensors. This command allows using the offset determined
by application of the "Zn" command, to cancel zero offsets of all applicable
sensors. This command responds with "A<cr>".
3. Disable zeroing of sensors. This command cancels the "ZN" command, and
therefore stops zeroing. It does not affect the offsets previously determined.
It also cancels the "ZA" auto zero command, if it is in effect. The "ZN"
command may be re-issued in order to return to zeroing with the stored off-
sets. This command responds with "A<cr>".
4. Turn ON auto zeroing of sensors. This command is effective only while in the
zeroing mode. This allows the sensors to correct for any negative readings,
by determining an offset that cancels any such negative measurement. The
offset, if generated, replaces the offset determined by the "Zn" command, and
will remain as the offset until changed either by the "Zn" command, or the
"ZC" clear command. This command responds with "A<cr>" only if in the
zeroing mode, otherwise it responds with "D?<cr>.
5. Turn OFF auto zeroing of sensors. This command cancels the "ZA"
command, so that no more auto zeroing will occur. The gauge remains in the
zero mode, so that gauges will continue to be zeroed with whatever offsets
are stored. Note however, that the offset that had been determined during
auto zeroing will remain as the offset in effect for zeroing. This command
responds with "A<cr>".
6. Reset stored offsets to zero. This command clears all offset values. Note
however, that if in the auto zero mode, and there is a negative offset at a
particular station, that offset will be automatically replaced
zero mode, no offsets will be applied, and gauges will indicate their normal
7. Output zeroing information. This command is not available in the burst mode.
This command will cause the modular unit to output the zero values of the first
eight sensors, followed by eight bits