LabMaster 10 Zi Oscilloscopes
LM10Zi-GSM-E Rev A
Safety Requirements
This section contains information and warnings that must be observed
to keep the instrument operating in a correct and safe condition. You
are required to follow generally accepted safety procedures in addition
to the safety precautions specified in this section.
The overall safety of any system incorporating this instrument is the
responsibility of the assembler of the system.
Safety Symbols
These symbols on the instrument's front or rear panels, or in this
manual, alert you to important safety considerations.
This symbol is used where caution is required. Refer to the
accompanying information or documents in order to protect against
personal injury or damage to the instrument.
This symbol warns of a potential risk of electric shock.
This symbol is used to denote the measurement ground
This symbol is used to denote a safety ground connection.
This symbol indicates the power switch located on the front of
the oscilloscope. Pressing this button toggles the oscilloscope's state
between operating and Standby mode. This switch is not a disconnect
device. The instrument can only be placed in a complete Power Off
state by disconnecting the power cord.
This symbol is used to denote Alternating Current.