SEECTOR User Manual
seector00.doc 27.04.00
4.2.3 Auxiliary menu
An auxiliary menu is available which enhance the capabilities of the
auxiliary system. In this menu a great number of auxiliary sends are
available and attached to the panel rows or adjusted directly.
This is an efficient tool for controlling rarely used auxiliaries
The menu consists of two sections. The control section is global, and
not limited to the assigned strip, while the aux send section is a
standard assign area.
Controls section
This section selects which
auxiliaries that are controlled
by the auxiliary panels.
When the pointing device is
selecting the upper window
one of the auxiliary panels are
For this panel any auxiliary
can be connected to the panel
Every panel row has its own selection window.
When an auxiliary is selected for a panel row it is removed from
further selections.
Aux sends section
All auxiliary outputs are listed
by name. All controls are
listed, and pointing and
replacing from keyboard can
make changes.
The leftmost column indicates
if the auxiliary is attached to a
panel row.
By selecting one of the
auxiliaries in the table this can
be adjusted by the controls
under the aux table.
4.3 Filter panel
4.3.1 General
All channels can have a filter switched into the circuit. Various filter
algorithms with different controls requires different panels.
The basic filter section is a fixed high pass filter with no controls.
In the future filter panels will be available.