C alibration— Type 323
Fig. 6 -2 . Location o f R615 and Charge Rate adjustm ent (Power
Pack b o a r d ) .
2. Adjust High-Voltage Supply and Check O
a. Set the Power Pack switch to EXT DC.
b. Install the power pack in the Type 323.
c. Connect the variable DC power supply to the EXT DC
POWER input jacks with the banana-plug patch cords (be
sure to observe correct polarity; red positive and black
d. Set the variable DC power supply for a +8-volt out
e. Connect the DC voltmeter (VOM)- from the high-volt
age test point (point L or K, Power Supply board; see Fig.
6-3A) to chassis ground.
f. CHECK—Meter reading; —1900 volts, ± 3 8 volts.
g. ADJUST— High voltage adjustment, R513 (Power Reg
ulator board; see Fig. 6-3B), for a meter reading of —1900
h. Change the variable DC power supply output voltage
between -f-6 volts and + 1 6 volts. Also, set the INTENSITY,
control fully clockwise at + 6 volts and fully counterclock
wise at - f l 6 volts.
i. CHECK— Less than ± 3 8 volts change in the high-
voltage output level.
If the high-voltage supply is out o f regulation,
check the regulation o f the low -voltage supplies
(step 8) before troubleshooting in the h ig h -vo lt
age supply.
j. Return the variable DC power supply to + 8 volts.
k. INTERACTION—May affect operation of all circuits
within the Type 323.
If the precision 2 kV volta ge d ivid e r is a v a ila b le fo r use w ith the
precision DC voltm eter, it should be used fo r this step.
Point K
Power R egulator board
(in te n sity lim it
test p o in t)
(A )
Point L
Power Supply board
(h ig h voltage
test p o in t)
Fig. 6 -3 . Location
h ig h -vo lta g e
test points and
(Power R egulator and Power Supply b o a rd s ).
3. Adjust Intensity Limit
a. Connect the precision DC voltmeter from the intensity
limit test point (point K, Power Regulator board; see Fig.
6-3A) to chassis ground.
b. Set the INTENSITY control fully clockwise (maximum).
c. CHECK—Meter reading; 1.00 volts, ±0.05 volt (300
microamps, ± 1 5 microamps). Take into account any meter
loading of R572 if the recommended meter is not used.
d. ADJUST— Intensity Limit adjustment, R583 (Power Sup
ply board; see Fig. 6-3A) for a meter reading of 1.00 volts.
If R583 cannot be adjusted to obtain 1.00 V, R584 may have
to be re-selected. If the Power Regulator board terminal k
voltage is too low, replace R584 with a smaller value resistor
(not less than 470 kS2); if the voltage is too high, replace R584
with a larger value resistor (not more than 1.8 MU). Ideally,
a value should be selected (within the prescribed range) which
permits a near mid-range setting of R583.
Содержание 323
Страница 4: ...Type 323 Fig 1 1 Type 323 Oscilloscope ...
Страница 14: ...Operating Instructions Type 323 2 2 Fig 2 1 External controls connectors and indicators ...
Страница 39: ...Circuit Description Type 323 3 4 Fig 3 3 Paraphase Am plifier simplified ...
Страница 51: ...Circuit Description Type 323 3 16 Fig 3 8 Blocking Oscillator simplified ...
Страница 71: ...Maintenance Type 323 4 15 Fig 4 13 Transistor data ...
Страница 72: ...Maintenance Type 323 4 16 Fig 4 14 M ain circuit board p a rtia l loft side vertical circuit components ...
Страница 147: ...T Y P E 3 2 3 O S C I L L O S C O P E B L O C K D IA G R A M MRI4 i ...
Страница 157: ...BL OCK DIAGRAM ...
Страница 158: ......
Страница 161: ...A TYPE 323 OSCILLOSCOPE ...
Страница 162: ...1 TYPE 323 OSCILLOSCOPE ...
Страница 163: ...FIG 2 CABINET ...
Страница 164: ...OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 016 0119 00 1 POWER PACK 016 0112 00 1 COVER protective oscilloscope ...