Operating Instructions— Type 3 2 3
1. Set the TIME/DIV control to .2 ms and determine the
period time for 1 cycle.
2. Determine how many 0.4 ms divisions it takes to com
plete 1 cycle, by dividing the period time (from step 1) by
3. Using the Horizontal VARIABLE control, set 1 cycle
of calibrator waveform equal to the number of divisions
determined in step 2.
4. A 0.4 ms/div sweep rate has been established. It may
be noted that the ratio of actual-to-indicated sweep rate
(0.4:0.2) exists in all positions of the TIME/DIV control.
VOLTS/DIV: Use the calibration signal to establish a
0.3 volts/div deflection factor.
1. Determine the ratio between the next lower calibrated
deflection factor and the desired deflection factor (0.2/0.3).
Multiply the ratio by 5.
2. Set the VOLTS/DIV switch to 5 DIV CAL.
3. Adjust the VOLTS/DIV VARIABLE control to obtain the
fractional part of 5 divisions which was determined in step
1 (3'/3 divisions).
Lissajous Figures.
An unlimited number of trace patterns
(Lissajous figures) can be obtained by simultaneously apply
ing signals of different frequencies or phase angles to the two
input connectors. If the frequencies are different and do not
have a common divisor, the pattern will change continuously.
If the frequencies are the same, or have a common divisor,
the pattern will be stationary, permitting phase, amplitude
and frequency comparison. (The ease of comparison varies
inversely with the ratio of frequency to common divisor.)
One of the most practical uses of these patterns is in making
extremely accurate adjustments of one frequency in respect
to another.
An analysis of these patterns is a science in itself, and be
yond the scope of this manual. However, a few patterns
and their interpretations are contained in Fig. 2-15 and 2-16.
v t
1. Center the d isp la y h o rizo n ta lly.
2. M easure to ta l vertical am p litu d e IV t ).
3. M easure am ount o f center vertical line w hich is enclosed
b y ellipse (V c) .
4. D ivide Vc by Vt to o b ta in sine o f phase angle.
5. Determine phase an g le from ta b le o f trigonom etric values.
6. A n g le is > 2 7 0 ° and < 0 9 0 ° i f ellipse rises from le ft
to righ t.
7. A n g le is >
0 9 0 ° and < 2 7 0 ° If ellipse fa lls from le ft
to rig h t.
Fig. 2 -1 6 . D eterm ining phase angle.
—3 dB Point—Half-Power Point
AC Coupling—The condition existing when a capacitor is
inserted between the signal pickoff point and the circuit to
which the signal is applied.
Accelerating Voltage— A voltage applied to components
within a cathode-ray tube to accelerate beam electrons
during their passage from cathode to phosphor screen.
Astigmatism—Any deviation from a circular appearance of
the electron beam spot. Also the control which corrects
for the deviation.
The characteristics of the Oscilloscope’s vertical and hori
zontal amplifier circuits must be considered in XY opera
tion. Their bandwidth capabilities determine how much
phase shift each one will introduce. For example, the hori
zontal circuit will introduce less than 5° phase shift at 10
kHz (its high-frequency half-power point).
The amount of difference in phase shift between the ver
tical and horizontal circuits will increase as frequency in
creases. This amount can be determined at any specific
frequency. Couple the same signal into both the vertical
and the horizontal input connectors and calculate the dif
ference in phase which appears in the presentation, using
the method which is explained in Fig. 2-16.
The terms and definitions contained herein are limited to
information required to understand the material in this manu
al. If a term is synonymous with a preferred term, its def
inition is restricted to the name of the preferred term.
Attenuator— Normally, any device used to intentionally
decrease the amplitude of a signal prior to its application
to the oscilloscope's amplifier circuitry. Any device which
decreases a signal's amplitude.
Automatic Triggering—Applies to the trigger circuit.
triggering mode in which triggers to the Type 323 sweep cir
cuit will initiate triggered sweeps in response to a broad
range of internal or external signals without adjustment
of the triggering level control. It will also provide a free-
running sweep for reference in the absence of triggers.
Balanced Circuit—Two symmetrical (electrically identical)
branches or nodes of a circuit which carry equal but op
posite polarity signals. Also called Push-Pull circuit.
Bandwidth—The frequency range through which a circuit
will provide an output which is at least 0.707 times the volt
age output provided at a reference frequency within said
range. The limits are referred to as “ Half Power" or " —3 dB
Points". The lower frequency limit is understood to be DC
if only one value is given.
Содержание 323
Страница 4: ...Type 323 Fig 1 1 Type 323 Oscilloscope ...
Страница 14: ...Operating Instructions Type 323 2 2 Fig 2 1 External controls connectors and indicators ...
Страница 39: ...Circuit Description Type 323 3 4 Fig 3 3 Paraphase Am plifier simplified ...
Страница 51: ...Circuit Description Type 323 3 16 Fig 3 8 Blocking Oscillator simplified ...
Страница 71: ...Maintenance Type 323 4 15 Fig 4 13 Transistor data ...
Страница 72: ...Maintenance Type 323 4 16 Fig 4 14 M ain circuit board p a rtia l loft side vertical circuit components ...
Страница 147: ...T Y P E 3 2 3 O S C I L L O S C O P E B L O C K D IA G R A M MRI4 i ...
Страница 157: ...BL OCK DIAGRAM ...
Страница 158: ......
Страница 161: ...A TYPE 323 OSCILLOSCOPE ...
Страница 162: ...1 TYPE 323 OSCILLOSCOPE ...
Страница 163: ...FIG 2 CABINET ...
Страница 164: ...OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 016 0119 00 1 POWER PACK 016 0112 00 1 COVER protective oscilloscope ...