Type 323
Change information, if any, affecting this section will be found at the
rear of the manual.
Complete calibration information for the Type 323 is
given in this section. This procedure calibrates the instru
ment to the performance requirements listed in Section 1
of this manual. Completion of each step in this procedure
returns the Type 323 to its orignal performance standards.
If it is desired to merely touch up the calibration, perform
only those steps entitled "Adjust . . . “ . A short-form cali
bration procedure is also provided in this section for the
convenience of the experienced calibrator.
To assure accurate measurements and correct operation,
check the calibration of the Type 323 after each 500 hours
of operation, or every six months if used infrequently. Be
fore performing a complete calibration, thoroughly clean
and inspect the instrument as outlined in the Maintenance
section. The Performance Check section provides a complete
check of instrument performance without making internal
adjustments. Use the performance check procedure to veri
fy the calibration of the Type 323 and/or to determine if
recalibration is required.
The following test equipment and accessories, or its equiv
alent, is required for complete calibration of the Type 323.
Specifications given are the minimum necessary for accu
rate calibration. Therefore, some of the recommended equip
ment may have specifications which exceed those given. All
test equipment is assumed to be correctly calibrated and
operating within the given specifications. If equipment is
substituted, it must meet or exceed the specifications of the
recommended equipment.
For the quickest and most accurate calibration, special
Tektronix calibration fixtures are used where necessary.
These special calibration fixtures are available from Tek
tronix, Inc. Order by part number through your local Tek
tronix Field Office or representative.
Test Equipment
1. Precision DC voltmeter.
Accuracy, within ±0.1 %;
range, zero to 200 volts. For example, Fluke Model 825A
Differential DC Voltmeter.
2. DC voltmeter (VOM)1.
Minimum sensitivity, 10,000
ohms/volt; accuracy, checked to within 1% at —1900 volts.
For example, Triplett Model 630-NA.
'I f a precision volta ge d iv id e r is a v a ila b le fo r use w ith the precision
DC voltm eter (such as Fluke 80E-2 V oltag e D iv id e r), it is recom
mended fo r more accurate adjustm ent o f the h ig h -v o lta g e supply.
3. Variable DC power supply. Voltage range, at least
+ 6 to + 1 6 volts; current capability, at least 0.75 ampere;
output voltage measured within 3% except where noted.
For example, Trygon Model HR40-750.
4. Test oscilloscope. Bandwidth, DC to 10 megahertz; min
imum deflection factor, 10 millivolts/division; accuracy,
within 3%. Tektronix Type 561A Oscilloscope with Type
3A6 Amplifier unit and Type 3B4 Time Base unit recom
5. Time-mark generator. Marker outputs, 0.5 microsecond
to five seconds,- marker accuracy, within 0.1%. Tektronix
Type 184 Time-mark Generator recommended.
6. Standard amplitude calibrator. Amplitude accuracy,
within 0.25%; signal amplitude, five millivolts to 100 volts;
output signal, square wave. Tektronix calibration fixture
067-0502-00 recommended.
7. Square-wave generator. Must have the following out
put capabilities (may be obtained from separate generators):
120 volts amplitude at one kilohertz repetition rate with a
one microsecond risetime; 500 millivolts into 50 ohms at one
kilohertz and one megahertz repetition rates with a 50 nano
second risetime. Tektronix Type 106 Square-Wave Generator
recommended (meets both output requirements).
8. High-frequency constant-amplitude sine-wave generator.
Frequency, 350 kilohertz to above four megahertz; reference
frequency, 50 kilohertz; output amplitude, variable from five
millivolts to 0.5 volt into 50 ohms; amplitude accuracy, con
stant within 3% at 50 kilohertz and from 350 kilohertz to
above four megahertz. Tektronix Type 191 Constant Am
plitude Signal Generator recommended.
9. Low-frequency constant-amplitude sine-wave generator.
Frequency, two hertz to 100 kilohertz; output amplitude, var
iable from 50 millivolts to 16 volts peak to peak; ampli
tude accuracy, constant within 3% from two hertz to 100
kilohertz. For example, General Radio 1310-A Oscillator
(use a General Radio Type 274QBJ Adaptor to provide
BNC output).
10. AC power cord. Fits AC POWER jack of Type 323.
Tektronix Part No. 161-0043-00 (supplied accessory).
11. Patch cord (two). Length, 18 inches; connectors, ba
nana plug-jack on both ends. Tektronix Part No. 012-0031-00.
12. I X Probe with BNC connector. Tektronix P6011 Probe
13. Cable (two). Impedance, 50 ohms; type, RG-58/U;
length, 42 inches; connectors, BNC. Tektronix Part No. 012-
Содержание 323
Страница 4: ...Type 323 Fig 1 1 Type 323 Oscilloscope ...
Страница 14: ...Operating Instructions Type 323 2 2 Fig 2 1 External controls connectors and indicators ...
Страница 39: ...Circuit Description Type 323 3 4 Fig 3 3 Paraphase Am plifier simplified ...
Страница 51: ...Circuit Description Type 323 3 16 Fig 3 8 Blocking Oscillator simplified ...
Страница 71: ...Maintenance Type 323 4 15 Fig 4 13 Transistor data ...
Страница 72: ...Maintenance Type 323 4 16 Fig 4 14 M ain circuit board p a rtia l loft side vertical circuit components ...
Страница 147: ...T Y P E 3 2 3 O S C I L L O S C O P E B L O C K D IA G R A M MRI4 i ...
Страница 157: ...BL OCK DIAGRAM ...
Страница 158: ......
Страница 161: ...A TYPE 323 OSCILLOSCOPE ...
Страница 162: ...1 TYPE 323 OSCILLOSCOPE ...
Страница 163: ...FIG 2 CABINET ...
Страница 164: ...OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 016 0119 00 1 POWER PACK 016 0112 00 1 COVER protective oscilloscope ...