via D.Vioni n.5 – 42016 S. Rocco - Guastalla (RE) Tel.+39.0522.832004 Fax.+39.0522.832012
Cod. doc. MT2550038-rev.1.0-IT-GB.doc
38 / 56
2.2 - TE805 Board: LED indication decription
2.3 - TE805 Board: command buttons description
4 digit multifunction
display to show
measurement, function
and alarms status
If on, it indicates that one or
more alarms are active
(Par 2.4)
If on, it indicates that
the mains voltage is ok
If on, it indicates that
the generator voltage
is ok
Type of
showed by the
If flashing, it indicate that the
engine is running and the alarms
are not enable. If on, it indicate
that the engine is running and the
alarms are enable
If on, indicates that the
mains contactor is
closed (mains supply
the load)
If on, indicates that the
generator contactor is closed
(generator supply the load)
If on, it indicates that
the voltage measured
is about the mains
If on, it indicates that
the voltage measured
is about the generator
If on indicates that
is active the
starting test (Par.
If on, it indicates
that the board is in
If on, it indicates
that the board is in
(Par. 2.4)
If on, it indicates
that the board is in
RESET (Par. 2.4)
If on, it indicates
that the automatic
test is enable (Par.
It permit to activate the
starting test (Par. 2.4)
Board in MANUAL
(Par. 2.4)
It permits to change the
type of measurement
showed by the display
It permits to close the
mains contactor (active
only in MANUAL
function; press it with
MAN button in the
same time)
It permits to close the
generator contactor
(active only in MANUAL
function; press it with
button in the
same time)
It permits to select the phases
showing the measure choice.
It permits to stop the
generator (enable only in
MANUAL function)
Board in
AUTOMATIC function
(Par. 2.4)
Board in RESET
(Par. 2.4)
It permits to activate the
automatic test
(Par. 2.1.2)
It permits to start the
generator (enable only in
MANUAL function)
Led on indicates from
which phases the
measure is showed