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Cod. doc. MT2550038-rev.1.0-IT-GB.doc
39 / 56
2.4 - TE805 electronic board: function description
2.4.1 - Operating modes description
The engine can not work.
When pressed, its led turn on and the other operating mode leds about TEST, MAN or AUT turns off.
If your network is present is to the load.
Turning to this mode of operation, if the engine is running the load is disconnected and starts the arresting phase (without cooling), and any alarms
are reset. (The alarm is not reset if the cause remains that caused it).
It is not possible to carry out any manoeuvre generator.
It can read and scroll measures from the display.
To exit, press RESET AUT or MAN or TEST.
When pressed, its led turn on and the other operating mode leds about RESET, TEST or AUT turns off.
If the group was AUT, it maintains the status of the group and the contactor.
By pressing the START button you start the cycle start.
By pressing the STOP button you start the cycle arrest, with its cooling phase.
The state of the switch never changes automatically during start and stop, but you can switch their pressing the buttons MAINS and GEN.
In manual inputs are ignored "remote start" and "stop remote."
Always so MAN: the START command by holding down the button has the extension of time starter set, the command STOP holding down the
button for a period of more than 6 seconds she activation (purge) of electrovalve fuel for 4 minutes.
To exit the press must be manually reset or AUT or TEST.
When pressed, its led turn on and the other operating mode leds about RESET, TEST or MAN turns off.
The board makes a control of voltage, frequency and symmetry of the mains: if these parameters are within the limits set, it turns on the lights green
“Mains voltage presence”. After the setting time the mains contactor is switched and the load is changed over (indicated by the yellow led “Mains
contactor led").
If the voltage, frequency, symmetry of the mains, are outside the limits set, turning off the green led “Mains voltage presence" and beginning the
starting phase. Simultaneously the mains contactor is disconnected from the load (yellow led turns off).
If after the starting phase, the voltage, frequency and symmetry of the gen-set, are within the limits set, it turns on the green led “Generator voltage
If these parameters remain the programmed limits, after the time in P0705 the generator contactor switched on load (yellow led turns on “generator
If the voltage, frequency and symmetry of the mains comes back into the limits set (it turns on the green led "Mains voltage”), after a set time, the
generator contactor is switched with mains contactor: it begins the stopping phase with cooling.
When the generator contactor closes, the display shows the generator voltage, and green led "V GEN” turns on. It is possible to scroll all the
When the mains contactor closes, the display shows the mains voltage, and green led "V MAINS” turns on.
In automatic mode, the START and STOP pushbuttons are ignored as well as the MAINS and GEN change over pushbuttons.
To stop the group in motion during whichever type of operation it is possible to press RESET.
Every time the group is stopped, also because of an alarm, the load is disconnected.
When pressed, its led turn on and the other operating mode leds about RESET, TEST or AUT turns off.
The motor starts immediately even in the mains presence; only if there is a mains problem, the load switches on the generator. Turning again to the
AUT mode, the motor stops, obviously if the mains is present.
When there is an alarm, the display show an identification code about the problem; after about 2s., on display appear also the description of the
On the label of the board there is the correspective description of each code.
By RESET button you can reset the alarms; if the alarm on the display doesn’t disappear, you have to remove the cause of the alarm.
Connect to terminal 10.1 signal W and set nominal engine RPM in menu "General", parameter P02.08. With the engine running, push 5 seconds
START and PHASE buttons simultaneously. The display shows RPM: the RPM/W ratio is stored.