via D.Vioni n.5 – 42016 S. Rocco - Guastalla (RE) Tel.+39.0522.832004 Fax.+39.0522.832012
Cod. doc. MT2550038-rev.1.0-IT-GB.doc
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1 - General ............................................................................................................................................................... 31
1.1 - Introduction
1.2 - General warning
1.3 - Symbols in the manual
1.4 - Important tips
1.5 - Cautions
1.6 - Noise
1.7 - Cautions levels
1.8 - Temporary Storage
1.9 - Transport
1.10 - Overall size and template
1.11 - Disposal
1.12 - Service center
1.13 - Repairs and spare parts
1.14 - Warranty conditions
1.15 - Ordering spare parts
2 - First starting of the TE805 board, use and description .................................................................................... 35
2.1 - Operation to do during the first starting of the TE805 Board
2.1.1 - How to programming the time
2.1.2 - How to programming the atomatic test
2.2 - TE805 Board: LED indication decription
2.3 - TE805 Board: command buttons description
2.4 - TE805 electronic board: function description
2.4.1 - Operating modes description
2.4.2 - Function description
2.4.3 - Measures
3 - Connections and electrical drawings................................................................................................................ 41
3.1 - Connectors layout (rear view)
3.2 - General connection drawing (with factory programmation)
3.3 - Connection drawing for alternators with pre-excitation (D+) and permanent magnet alternators (SAPRISA)
3.4 - Auxiliary connection drawing for stopping of diesel and gasoline engines
3.5 - Auxiliary connection drawing for diesel and gasoline engines
4 - TE805 board programmation ............................................................................................................................. 46
4.1 - Access procedure to USER’S MENU, ADVANCED MENU and COMMANDS MENU
4.2 - Parameters modification procedure (User’s and Advanced menu)
4.3 - Parameters description about User’s and Advanced menu
5 - General sales conditions and warranty............................................................................................................. 56