9. Interfaces
Technical Manual for sunrise RC, TW, TS, TC, BC, 6F No. T 137 302 Rev No. 1.1
9.11 Printer Interface
The printer interface connector is for the R.C Mode
not available!
9.11.1 Character Set Setting
The printer must be set to the EPSON (ESC/P) standard and the U.S.A.
character set.
Use the printer manual to ensure that the DIP switches of the printer are
correctly set for the U.S.A. character set.
9.11.2 Hardware
The following hardware specifications are used by the instrument:
Handshaking: by acknowledge and busy logic level: all signals (inclusive data)
are TTL compatible.
The cable to the printer should be as short as possible max. 1.5 - 2 m,
(59 - 79 inch)
9.11.3 Connector
The printer connector is a 25 pin connector.
Pin 13
Pin 1
Pin 25
Pin 14