9. Interfaces
Technical Manual for sunrise RC, TW, TS, TC, BC, 6F No. T 137 302 Rev No. 1.1
9.2 Handshakes:
Software Handshake:
The instrument stops transmitting the data, when it receives the 'XOFF' control
code (ASCII Code 19).
The instrument then waits for the computer to send the 'XON' control code
(ASCII Code 17) to start transmitting the data again.
9.3 Commands Response Time:
While the microplate is being measured by the photo diodes, there are time
spans of a maximum length of about 0.2 seconds, during which the instrument
is not able to respond to any command from the computer.
While the instrument is completing the measurements, the repetition time of the
status requests should not exceed every 250 ms.
This is to allow the instrument enough non-interrupted time to complete the
9.4 Command Syntax for the Serial Interface:
Sunrise Mode (Standard):
The interrupt controlled function receives any command from the serial interface
line when the command starts with STX (0x02) and it ends with ETX (0x03)
{CS} CR(0x0D) and writes it into a string, otherwise the command will be
Every command has 2 characters (only 1 exception: “!” – command”) and
several parameters as a text string which all together less then
In case of binary parameters these strings have to be added with an starting
and ending character (0x1D=GS=Group Separator) and the information of the
parameter length.
Spectra Mode (for compatibility):
The interrupt controlled function receives any command from the serial interface
line when the command starts with STX (0x02) and it ends with CR(0x0D) and
writes it into a string, otherwise the command will be ignored.
Every command can have from 1 or 4 characters and several parameters as a
text string which all together less then [SCI0_MAX_REC_CHAR].
In case of binary parameters these strings have to be added with an starting
and ending character (0x1D = GS = Group Separator) and the information of
the parameter length.