Tatoma Ag Equipments Corp. Located in Colcord, OK. Phone (918) 422-4271
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Before starting to operate the scale, carefully read its instruction manual, which is
supplied with the mixer in a separated manual.
The scale is located on the front of the mixer, on its right
side. It is mounted inside a protective box equipped with
a polycarbonate front and an articulated mechanism that
allows it to be oriented to guarantee visibility of the
indicator screen depending on if you are loading the mixer
or delivering in bunkers.
The weighing system is provided with three or four weight
cells, located at the support points of the tub, a junction
box and an acoustic indicator, located in the protective box
next to the scale, warns when the programmed weight of
each ingredient has been reached.
The scale is fed through the tractor's power socket.
If the battery option is available, the scale can be directly
connected to it, so it will work at all times regardless of the
state of the machine, allowing the mixer to be loaded
without need to keep the tractor hooked.
For the correct operation of the scale, follow these recommendations:
- Make sure the battery is well charged and its connection to the scale is correct. Cables
must not be pulled, cut or bent; this could lead to breakage over time. The voltage must
not have alterations greater than ± 1 volt
- Avoid hitting or spilling liquids on the screen. Also, reduce speed when driving on roads
in poor condition with the machine loaded, as the sensors can deteriorate, leading to
faulty weighing.
- Do not manipulate the sensors under any circumstances. Any operation on them must
be carried out by TATOMA technical personnel.