XLINK 500/100 Operations & Maintenance Manual page # 91
Setting up any number of tipping bucket and counters on DIn2 with debouncing will
work well.
Setting up a tipping bucket and counters without debouncing on DIn2 will not work
correctly as far as debouncing is concerned.
Setting up a level measurement will work in combination with any other measurement.
Setting up multiple frequency and period measurements on the same input will work as
long as the measurements do not overlap.
For frequency and period readings on the same input, one measurement must finish
before a second one starts for the readings to be correct.
For frequency and period readings, the system will not hold up one measurement until
another completes.
Overlapped frequency and period measurements are not considered a meaningful
Setting up a frequency or period measurement on the same input as a tipping bucket or
counter will not work correctly.
If you want to measure both frequency and count from an input you will need to jumper
it to both digital inputs and setup one measurement for the counter (e.g. counter 1) and
the other for a frequency (e.g. frequency 2).
for additional details relating to
Measure Type: Meta
measurements use the result of another measurement as their basis. Usually, a
measurement is used to average results of another measurement.
Meta Index
This setting indicates which other measurement this
measurement refers to.
Why use meta measurements? If you had set up an hourly averaged temperature measurement,
measurement could be set up to be the daily average of all those hourly readings.
Measurement M1 (used for Hourly Temperature)
Measurement Type: Analog
Analog Type: 0-5VA
Measurement Interval: 1 hour
Averaging Time: 1 hour
Sampling Interval: 1 second
Measurement M2 (used for Daily Temperature)
Measurement Type: Meta
Meta Index: 1 (meaning it refers to measurement M1)
Measurement Interval: 24 hours
Averaging Time: 24 hours
Sampling Interval: 1 hour
When scheduling meta measurements, take care that they occur at the same time or after the
measurement they reference. If the meta and the reference are scheduled for the same time, the
system will try to delay the meta measurement until the reference completes.