XLINK 500/100 Operations & Maintenance Manual page # 80
When accumulation is reset, the appropriate Daily, Monthly and/or Yearly log entries are
created. Those log entries are created with a pre-date of one second less than the time of
accumulation reset. By default, that means the Yearly log entry will have a timestamp of 12/31
23:59:59. Monthly timestamps are on the last day of the month at 23:59:59. Daily timestamps
are at 23:59:59.
When Precip Accumulation is reset, the counts are set to zero and the measurement Offset is
also set to zero. That means that the first reading after the reset will show an accumulation of
zero (unless precipitation happens between the reset and the first reading, in which case it is
Power loss and Precip Accumulation
Precip accumulation information is stored in persistent memory. It is not lost when power is
After it is powered on, and after the first Precip Accumulation reading is made, an accumulation
reset may occur. The reset will be made if an accumulation reset interval has been missed.
For example, take a station setup for Daily rests. Say the station lost power on 22:00:00 Feb 14th,
and regained power on 07:00:00 Feb 15th. Since it missed the reset at 00:00:00 Feb 15th, it will
reset accumulation right away.
Another example: a station is setup for Monthly resets. Just as above, it loses power on the 14th,
and regains it on the 15th. It will not perform a reset.
If it does choose to reset accumulation, the system will log the current counts first along with a
log entry indicating that accumulation was reset.
Setting up Multiple Precip Accumulation Measurements
A station may be setup to tally Daily, Monthly, and Yearly accumulation on the same tipping
bucket. To do so, setup three measurements. Each should be of the Precip Accumulation type,
and their Accumulation Reset settings may be Off, Daily, Monthly, or Yearly. The measurement
schedule is up to the customer. For example, Daily readings can be made every minute and
Monthly readings can be made only once a day. Note that the system cannot log less frequently
than once a day.
Please note that if multiple Precip Accumulation (or Precip Accumulation and Digital Counter 2)
measurements are setup, calibrating one measurement will clear out counts for all the
measurements. That does NOT mean that the measurements cannot be calibrated individually. It
does mean that each of the measurements must be calibrated.
For example, if installing a station that collects Daily, Monthly, and Yearly accumulation, and the
current yearly accumulation is 12 inches, the current monthly is 2 inches, and current daily is 0.1
inches, simply calibrate the Yearly to 12, Monthly to 2, and Daily to 0.1.
Note on Precip Accumulation and Other Counts
This section talks about measuring counts. The system may be setup for precip accumulation,
precip rate, or digital counter type measurements. All of these measurement types fall into the
'counts' category. A tipping bucket is commonly connected to count type inputs. There are two
physical inputs for counts: