XLINK 500/100 Operations & Maintenance Manual page # 29
The key settings for 4-20mA sensor connected to A and B are:
Measurement Type: Analog
Analog Type: 0-5V A or B.
Add a 100 Ohm load resistor between A or B and Signal ground.
Connecting Status Sensors
A status output is a switch that is open or closed. Up to two status outputs are supported using
either of the digital inputs (DIN#1 or DIN#2). An internal pull-up resistor on DIN#1 or DIN#2
provides the excitation voltage for the switch.
Measurement result will be zero when the switch is open and one when the switch is closed.
The key settings for pulse sensors are:
Measurement Type: Digital
Digital type: Level 1 or Level 2
Connecting Potentiometer Sensors
A potentiometer connects to the A or B analog channels as shown below.
The key settings for potentiometer sensors are:
Measurement Type: Analog