Sutron Corporation X-Link Operations & Maintenance Manual, Rev 1.63 5/24/2016 pg. 21
You use LinkComm’s “Stations List View” (sometimes called “Connect View”) to
perform station management. This is the view you first see when LinkComm
starts up.
To add a new station, press the “+” button in the stations list header. To delete a
station definition, select the station and then press the minus sign in the stations
list header. LinkComm will prompt to make sure you really want to delete the
station, since this action cannot be undone.
Note: All settings (station and connect settings, notes, and site images) for
every station you define are saved automatically as you make changes. Hence,
there is no need to select any kind of “Save” menu item.
Station Settings
The top portion of the Station List View is where you configure station settings
like station type and name. This is also where you’ll find the Connect and Work
Offline buttons.
When setting up a new station, be sure to set “Station type” to the type of X-Link
you’re setting up. Also be sure to set “Station name” to the name you desire for
the station. This name is updated if it differs from the name stored in X-Link
anytime you get the setup from the actual X-Link, though you will be prompted
first regarding the difference, if any.