1. About the BioStar System
Copyright © 2008, Suprema Inc. On the web: www.supremainc.com
1.2.2 User Management
BioStar supports both manual and automatic modes for user management.
Manual synchronization is available for enrolling different subsets of users to
particular devices or when the total number of users in the BioStar database
exceeds the limits of a BioStation or BioEntry Plus device. Automatic synchroni-
zation is available when managing user records at the device is not required or
BioStar collects log records from devices and allows the data to be exported to a
delimited text file (.CSV) for custom reporting. The software supports an
unlimited number of user records—the maximum amount of data stored is
subject only to the capabilities of the underlying database and hardware
configuration. For more information about user management, see sections 4.1,
4.2, and 4.4.
1.2.3 Access Group Management
BioStar allows administrators to build custom access groups by combining
permissions for timezones and doors. With this capability, BioStar provides
customizable, scheduled access control.
BioStar supports up to 128 timezones that consist of a seven day schedule, plus
two holiday schedules. Each day in a timezone can include as many as five
distinct time periods.
In total, BioStar supports up to 128 access groups that can be transferred to all
connected devices. For more information about access groups, see section 3.7.
1.2.4 Device Management
Administrators can control multiple aspects of devices via the BioStar software.
In addition to authentication behaviors, BioStar supports the configuration of
inputs, output relays, actions, and sounds. The system includes options for
customizing sound and display settings for BioStation devices and event settings
for BioEntry Plus devices.
The system provides configuration options for controlling external devices, such
as door strikes and alarm sirens. BioStar can also connect to and communicate
with third-party devices via a Wiegand interface. For more information about
device management, see sections 3.2 and 4.5.