Installing the Device Driver Under Solaris 1.x (SunOS 4.x)
Slide to the bottom of the menu and highlight the Install selection
Slide to the right to choose the server install option.
Release the mouse button.
The following screen appears.
2. Select an installation directory.
To use the /usr default directory, type yes and press Return.
To change the installation directory, type no
and press
Type the new installation directory information.
(If the directory you specify does not exist, the installation
script will create it.)
When you have finished selecting a
new directory, press Return to start the server
Your directory location appears on the screen.
3. Press Return to continue (or Q to quit).
message appears, confirming that your files have been installed.
The following message also appears.
The software requires 1400 kbytes of space on your disk.
The default installation directory is recommended to be: /usr
There are 68154 kbytes available in this directory.
Do you want to use the default (highly recommended)? [yes]
The installation directory is: /xxx
Press <RETURN> to continue the installation or type Q to quit now:
extracting files from CD-ROM directory [/cdrom/STC/bin] to [/xxx]
<please wait...>
software successfully installed from /cdrom/STC/bin into /xxx
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