* stc_rcvex: unit board number line number receiver overrun, char: hexadecimal character
Error. The device driver could not service the cd-180 receive data interrupt
before the receive data FIFO (queue) of the chip filled up. Make sure you are
using the correct flow control.
* stc_drainsilo: unit board number line number can’t allocate streams buffer
Error. The device driver could not obtain a STREAMS message buffer from the
() function. All data in the receive data silo of the device driver is
flushed as a result of this condition.
* stc_drainsilo: unit board number line number punting put retries
Error. The device driver could not send data down the stream to the
application because the path was blocked. All data in the receive data silo of
the device driver is flushed as a result of this condition.
Serial Port Control Messages
* stc_restart: unit board number line number BREAK BIT off (*ERROR*)
Advisory. The BREAK control bit for the enumerated line was set instead of
clear. Your cd-180 chip might be faulty, or your device driver might be faulty.
* stc_ioctl: unit board number line number can’t allocate streams buffer for ioctl
Error. The device driver could not obtain a STREAMS message buffer from the
function for the requested
. The
will not execute as
a result of this condition.
* stc_ioctl: unit board number line number can’t allocate STC_DCONTROL block
Error. The device driver could not allocate a data block from the
function for the STC_DCONTROL return value. The
will not execute
as a result of this condition.
* stc_ioctl: unit board number line number can’t allocate STC_GDEFAULTS block
Error. The device driver could not allocate a data block from the
function for the STC_GDEFAULTS return value. The
will not execute
as a result of this condition.
* stc_ioctl: unit board number line number can’t allocate STC_GPPC block
Error. The device driver could not allocate a data block from the
function for the STC_GPPC return value. The
will not execute as a
result of this condition.
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