Installing the Device Driver Under Solaris 1.x (SunOS 4.x)
Installation Script Options
The CD-ROM has three installation script options:
Quick allows you to load the software in the
default directory. It
installs the Serial Parallel Controller card software on a system running
SunOS 4.1 (or later) and uses the current machine architecture. Most users
should select this installation method.
Custom allows you to select the directory in which you want to load the
software and to specify the SunOS release. It uses the current machine
Server allows you to select the directory in which you want to load the
software, the SunOS release, and the machine architecture.
You must have, as a minimum, the following amount of the disk space:
3 Mbyte in
3 Mbyte in
2 Mbyte in
(or whatever installation directory you select)
The script automatically installs the Sundiag diagnostic tests specific to the
Serial Parallel Controller on your system. Use the Sundiag diagnostic to test
your Serial Parallel Controller card and device driver for correct operation. For
a list of files stored on your system by the installation script, see Appendix G.
Note – You can quit the installation at any time by pressing Control-c.
Installing from CD-ROM
Two programs available for accessing data on the CD-ROM:
is a window-based application and
is a text-based
Regardless of the program you use, you need to know how to mount and eject
the CD. This section includes:
Mounting the CD
Running CDmanager
Running CDm
Ejecting the CD
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