Baud Rate, 2
setting for modems, 33, 38
setting for serial and parallel
ports, 81
Cables, 87
96-pin connector locking
mechanism, 13
maximum length, 13
modem cable, 87
null modem cable, 30, 37, 89
other cable types, 90
Card Installation
selecting a protocol, 7
Connecting Peripheral Devices
modems, 33
mounting your patch panel, 9
printers, 37, 38
terminals, 30
Connecting Peripheral Devices to SPC/S
connecting the patch panel, 12
Data communications equipment, 88, 91
Data terminal equipment, 38, 88, 89, 91
DCE, 88, 91
DTE, 38, 88, 89, 91
Interactive Login Sessions, supporting, 81
Jumper Positions
RS-232, 8
RS-423, 8
Patch Panel
mounting on a desktop, 9
mounting on a rack, 9
mounting on a wall, 9
rack mounting brackets, 10
wall mounting brackets, 11
Peripheral Devices Supported
Hayes-compatible modems, 33
laser printers, 37
SBus-based SPARC desktop
systems, 30
Wyse-compatible terminals, 30
Phillips Screwdriver, 9, 10, 11
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