This appendix explains messages displayed by the Serial Parallel Controller
device driver and configuration script. These messages inform you about the
status of the installation of the device driver. They also help you troubleshoot
problems with the device driver and card.
Note – Some messages described in this appendix apply only to installation
under Solaris 1.x. These messages are marked with an asterisk (*).
Note – The term board is used instead of card in this appendix.
There are three types of messages:
Advisory messages indicate that the device driver or configuration script has
detected a condition which you might find of interest. They are provided for
your information, and do not require any response from you.
Error messages indicate that a condition has been detected which disrupts
the normal operation of your device driver, board, or both. You might lose
data as a result of these messages. They do require a response from you.
Fatal messages indicate that the device driver was not configured into your
system correctly and, consequently, the Serial Parallel Controller card is
inaccessible to your system. They also require a response from you.
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