Serial Parallel Controller User’s Guide—February 1993
* stc_attach: unit board number bad number of interrupts: number
Fatal. An incorrect number of interrupts was read from the FCode
Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM) on the board. Make sure your
board is installed properly in its SBus slot. Otherwise, the problem might be a
faulty FCode PROM on your board or a faulty board. In both cases, you must
replace your board.
* stc_attach: unit board number bad number of register sets: number
Fatal. An incorrect number of register sets was read from the FCode
Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM) on the board. Make sure your
board is installed properly in its SBus slot. Otherwise, the problem might be a
faulty FCode PROM on your board or a faulty board. In both cases, you must
replace your board.
* stc_init: unit board number GIVR was not 0x0ff, was: hexadecimal number
Fatal. The 8-channel UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) of the
cd-180 chip could not initialize, or a memory fault occurred in attempting to
access the chip. If this message appears frequently, replace your board.
* cd180_init: unit board number GIVR was not 0x0ff, was: hexadecimal number
Fatal. The 8-channel UART of the cd-180 chip could not initialize, or a memory
fault occurred in attempting to access the chip. If this message appears
frequently, replace your board.
Serial Port Messages
* stc_modem: unit board number line number interesting modem control: MCR: hex num, MSVR: hex num
Advisory. The cd-180 chip posted a modem control line change interrupt to the
device driver, but the driver did not detect a change since its last scan. If this
problem occurs frequently, your data cables are either too long or picking up
noise. Hex num stands for hexadecimal number.
* SET_CCR: CCR *timeout*
Error. The CCR register of the cd-180 chip did not return a nonzero value
within the timeout period after receiving a command. This message indicates a
faulty cd-180 chip or board.
* PUTSILO: unit board number line number soft silo overflow
Error. The internal receive data silo of the device driver overflowed for the
enunciated line, because the system has not yet written the data in the silo. All
data in the silo is flushed as a result of this condition. Make sure you are using
the correct flow control.
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