Installing the Device Driver
2. Select ?a to see an information screen similar to the following:
3. If you want more information, select option b:
Product Name: SPC/S
Component Name: 2.0 SPC/S beta 1.0
Component Abbreviation: SUNWstc
Component Type: Package
Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 2.0_beta1.0
Description: SPC/S SBus serial/parallel card software
Target Base Directory: /opt/SUNWstc
Estimated Size (Mbytes): / 8.00 /usr 0.00
/opt 4.00 /var 0.00
/export 0.00 /openwin 0.00
Architectures Supported: sparc
Descriptive Text File: <available>
Demonstration Program: <unavailable>
Status: Available for installation
Type [a] to change the location where this product will be installed
or [b] to read more about this software
or [Return] to return to software selection menu.
Select an option:
This is the Beta release of 2.0 SPC/S. If you are using swm/swmtool to
install this package, non-interactive install doesn't work yet and will
generate an error if you try it. The default installation mode is
When you install or remove this package, you will see a message similar to
the following:
This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
permission during the process of installing this package.
Do you want to continue with the installation of this package [y,n,?]
Answer with a 'y' and press <RETURN>.
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